Learn how to set new personal goals with Katarina Johnson-Thompson


How to set new personal goals with Katarina Johnson-Thompson

Whether you're an Olympic athlete, or just trying to be the best version of yourself, every individual target is important. Achieving a personal goal feels amazing, but where do you go from there? Once you have reached a target, it can be hard to stay motivated, to keep moving forward and evolving, and setting new challenges can be difficult. We asked Olympic silver medalist and World Champion athlete, Katarina Johnson-Thompson, how she sets and achieves personal goals; how she recovers after each challenge, and how she sets new short and long term goals.

Setting short and long term goals

There is a strategy to personal goal-setting. For Olympic athlete and double world champion, Katarina Johnson-Thompson, long-term goals are easy to set - the next competition, championship, or Olympics - but she shared that it's the mini-goals along the way that make these huge achievements possible. We asked Katarina how she sets her long and short term goals, and stays motivated to achieve them:

"I think having a goal that you actually want to achieve is key. That's the thing that fires me - if I had the goal and I didn't really want it, I think I'd struggle with my motivation".

Having a goal can certainly fire your enthusiasm, but breaking up your bigger challenges into smaller, more achievable steps can be the key to success. Katarina also said that setting a specific timeline with a finite deadline can help to spur you on.

"I always know the exact date I'm meant to be competing - I think that really helps me stay true to my little mini goals along the way. It's an accumulation - if I'm hitting my mini goals, I know I am well placed to achieve my overall target".

Know and love yourself

Whilst they're exciting and motivating, if your life is just one long succession of targets and goals, it's easy to get burnt out.

Katarina recommends giving yourself permission to take some downtime after reaching a big target, to recharge and recalibrate. After the Olympics, she is giving herself some well-deserved 'off' time to allow her mind and body to recover. If you feel tired, lethargic and lacking in energy, you are less likely to set new targets and can end up in a rut, or will struggle to meet your new goals.

Taking some downtime can also be a great opportunity to reflect and take stock: consider how far you have come, what you have achieved, and how this might have changed you, your body, your life, and your aspirations. You may realise that the goals which were right for you ten years ago are not appropriate for you today, as we evolve and grow all the time.

We asked Katarina how her mindset had evolved across her four Olympic experiences:

"I feel like I was a different person in each Olympics. In 2012 I was only 19 and everything was new and exciting. In 2016 I had the weight of the world on my shoulders, even though I was only 23 and shouldn't have felt that way. Then the 2020 Covid Games were tricky, and it was hard as I was just coming back from injury, but for this latest Olympics, I was fully ready in every aspect."

With each milestone you learn something new, and something new about yourself. Make the most of your 'off' periods to help you set more meaningful goals, and see how each one helps to pave the way for future successes.

Returning to training after setbacks or injury

There may be times when you don't reach your goals, either through injury or unexpected circumstances. When this happens, it can be even harder to bounce back and set new challenges. The key is to be kind to yourself, be honest with your reflections, and don't get disheartened.

If you are thinking of starting to train again after an injury or other issues, take a moment to consider the following:

  • Are you fully recovered, and ready to return to training?
  • Don't immediately default back to your original goals. Re-evaluate and reassess - are these still relevant to you or do you need to adjust to physical, mental, or lifestyle changes?
  • Don't overdo it - build up to your previous training programme and intensity gradually.
  • Make sure you're supporting your body properly with good sleep and good nutrition.
  • Look after your mental health - injury and setbacks can take their toll mentally and physically, so prioritise your self-care.

Katarina has had her fair share of setbacks, and we asked her how she mentally and physically recovered from her injuries to return to top form, and how she stayed motivated.

"We all face setbacks—times when life makes us hit 'pause' on our goals. But what matters is how you bounce back. I've learned that restarting isn't about rushing; it's about refocusing. Setbacks feel hard in the moment, but after each setback that I have personally had, whether it's been a big one or a small one, I found it just helps you see things a lot more clearly, what the bigger picture is, you can see what you need to change, and ultimately it will lead to good."

Get the help you need

Getting a good support system around you, whatever your goals and aspirations, is incredibly important. Having a solid set-up around you of friends, family, and life hacks can really help you smash your goals, but are especially important when helping you to overcome obstacles.

"Every Olympian knows the importance of having a strong team behind them. In my journey, I've faced highs and lows, but I've always kept going because I had the right support. When it comes to your goals, whether it's nutrition or fitness, you deserve the same."

Don't forget to support yourself too - self-care is ultra important. Read more about how to love your mind and body on our blog.

Support your goals from the inside out

Good nutrition is definitely key - whether you're working towards some big challenge, or simply taking some down time, make sure you're fuelling your body with healthy, nutritious food. Check out our blog for lots of informative articles about what you should be eating to hit those goals, and aid health and wellness. Katarina told us that a Prep Kitchen subscription allows her to spend more time training when she's working towards a big competition, or gives her more time to truly relax when she's taking some time out.

"When you're ready to hit 'unpause' on your health or fitness goals, Prep Kitchen is here to help fuel your journey. Achieving your goals isn't just about starting strong; it's about staying the course and Prep Kitchen makes it much easier to stay on track."

Whatever you want to achieve, Prep Kitchen can keep you fuelled and help you to keep reaching for bigger and better goals.

If you enjoyed this article, read these other related articles on our blog:

A Day in the Life of Katerina Johnson-Thompson

Chris Tang's 5 Top Tips to Smash Your Goals

Posted in Health on by Kerry Beeson BSc (Nut. Med)

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