Corey McBride's Top Tips: How to Exercise in Hot Weather


The warm weather has finally arrived in the UK, but let’s be honest, the UK summer is still a fickle beast, and a boiling hot day can often come out of nowhere and catch us unawares. On the odd day when the temperatures do make it into the 20s (or above!), it’s good to have a strategy to keep your fitness routine going, so you can avoid dehydration and other symptoms.

We asked one of our valued Prep Kitchen ambassadors, Corey McBride, for his top tips on how to safely exercise in hot weather.

Corey is an online fitness coach with over 200k followers on social media. He has ten years’ experience as a personal trainer, and he’s helped to transform over 450+ clients, and enabled them to experience better health and fitness. Corey has a background in bodybuilding, powerlifting and he’s now a level 2 CrossFit coach and athlete competing each year in the men’s RX & Elite category.

Read on to find out Corey’s top tips on how to safely stick to your exercise routine when the temperatures start to soar, but first, should you be exercising in hot weather at all?

Is it safe to exercise in hot weather?

Yes! You don’t get too many warm days in the UK, but as long as you’re cooling yourself down and implementing the right strategies, it’s absolutely safe.

What are the best exercises to do in hot weather?

Anything you fancy really! If you’re doing a lot of high-intensity training, that normally brings around a lot of metabolic heat anyway. Your body gets very hot and sweaty, so pick and choose your battles. I do some Crossfit in the sun, but I also like to enjoy some slow, steady state running.

Do you burn more calories when exercising in hot weather?

Yes, because you’re producing more heat. If you go down the science route of thermodynamics, which is how fat loss occurs through exchange of heat, if you’re burning more heat than you’re consuming by being in a warmer environment, you are going to produce a higher calorie output. It’s very, very marginal, however, so it’s not worth training in the heat just to lose more calories, but overall, the answer is yes, you may use a few more calories because you’re sweating more, and the body has to work harder to achieve a nice homeostatic baseline level.

Are there any benefits to exercising when it’s warmer?

You can get a very nice tan, though try not to get sunburnt and make sure you wear your factor 50 sunscreen! Being in the sun gives your body the opportunity to make some vitamin D, and may help to boost the immune system. It can also be good for mental health - training in the sun, you get all those feel-good vibes and emotions.

What are your top tips for exercising in hot weather?

  1. Stay shaded: wear a hat to keep your head in the shade - this will help to prevent you getting sunstroke.
  2. Look cool, stay cool: grab some sunnies to stop you getting blinded when you’re running - they look great and protect your eyes from harmful UV rays.
  3. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate: probably the most important tip is to stay on top of your hydration. It’s easy to lose fluids and become dehydrated when exercising in hot weather. Sprinkle some sodium (salt) in your water too. When you sweat, it’s salty for a reason: you are losing sodium, and this plays a huge vital role in keeping the body hydrated. You can also use coconut water, or sports drinks with a little bit of sugar - sugar helps the body absorb and utilise electrolytes and helps to support hydration.

We’re very grateful to Cory for taking the time to share his top tips with us. Now get out there and get exercising while the sunshine lasts!

You can also see this interview on Corey’s TikTok channel.

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Posted in Health on by Kerry Beeson BSc (Nut. Med)

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